Picturesque and very charming, winding among fields, meadows and forests, sometimes it cuts into slopes, even several meters high, covered with coniferous and deciduous trees. It provides shelter, food and a resting place for numerous species of flora and fauna. It flows through two provinces, seven countries and twenty communes. In many sections, it is underestimated in terms of natural, historical, cultural and tourist values. The name of the river probably comes from the Prussian word „Yikru”, which means livery, winding, maneuverable.

The river is accessible to canoeists from Działdowo. The current can get strong, the water is clean and shallow in summer. It is a very nice and interesting, but sometimes strenuous trail. The Wkra is partially drained, you have to carry your caones through weirs and on shallower sections when the water level is low. Below Joniec and even Sochocin the trail is very popular. There is a lack of tourist infrastructure, but there are plenty of sandy beaches to stay at.
The Wkra River is the right tributary of the Narew River (263 km). It flows out of the swamps on Garb Lubawski. The upper section is the Nida River, from Działdowo – Działdówko flowing through meadows and fields, partitioned by weirs and gates. It becomes a squeak from Żuromin in Mazovia, where it is protected as a Natura 2000 area. It is a lowland river, forming oxbow lakes and meandering through wet meadows, riparian forests and thickets, among moraine hills and Masovian villages, rarely surrounded by forests. It flows through the Dziektarzewso reserve in a shady gorge, high, steep slopes are covered with forests, and in the current you can see huge boulders. In the Dolina Wkra nature reserve it flows in a gorge valley and crosses a strip of dunes, creating sandy slopes, covered with forest. There are beavers and otters in the reserve.

Where to start kayaking trips
One day:
Borkowo – Pomiechówek,
Joniec – Kosewko,
Joniec – Pomiechówek,
Strzegowo – Glinojeck,
Glinojeck – Dziektarzewo,
Dziektarzewo – Sochocin,
Sochocin – Joniec,
Zawady – Cieksyn,
Joniec – Cieksyn,
Cieksyn – Pomiechówek,
Bolęcin – Sobieski,
Śniadówko – Pomiechówek
Two day:
Radzanów – Glinojeck,
Drzazga – Glinojeck
Tree day:
Bieżuń – Glinojeck
Sochocin – Joniec – Pomiechówek,
Drzazga – Dziektarzewo.
Bieżuń – Dziektarzewo.
Worth seeking during kayaking trips
Modlin Fortress – fortifications from Napoleon’s times, one of the most valuable monuments of military engineering art,
Zakroczym – Late Gothic Renaissance parish church, Baroque Capuchin church Pomiechówek – en educational path along the river, a walk in the crown of trees.